Last Post 🙈

Hello everybody, 

Just a quick last post about the last couple days. We all landed safe in Germany on Sunday morning and even my 4 suitcases came back safe. Some of my friends and family came over and they were all glad to see me again ☺️ All my clothes and everything is still all over my floor in my room and I don’t wanna clean it up. I feel like if I leave it I can just throw it back in the suitcase and take the next plane back to America even thought it will never happen. Not never but in the next couple months 😜 it’s crazy that my 320 days in the US are already over and I’m back to reality 😂😂 I already went to volleyball practice and to school to get all the stuff I have to make up and yeah now it’s just the time of re-integration to my old life. 🇩🇪

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