
Monday: It was raining all day! Kylie went home sick during the day! I had practice, that’s it! 

Tuesday: Gameday ⚾️

Wednesday: Practice outside and we got a new floor in the bathroom, new mirrow, toilet,.. and we got some new stuff in the kitchen! It looks way nicer now! 

Thursday: Gameday ⚾️

Friday: I went golfing and friends came over afterwards to go in the hot tub ☺️

Saturday: I watched Ethan’s soccer game and spent the night at a friends house 

Sunday: We were at the campground and stayed the night there. 


Monday: We have the FCCLA State Leadership Conference from Monday to Wednesday. We rode the bus this morning to Wisconsin Dells in a Hotel where everything is. 7 people from my school are part of this club. We have our competition tomorrow and we get to cook like in the TV shows again! We got there at noon and the first meeting was at 6 so we went in the Indoor Theme Park where they have fun activities and stuff and then we had dinner and meetings! 

Tuesday: I had to get up at 6 and or bus left at 7 to bring us to the other schools where we have to took. It took 4 hours to make the cake and everything. After that we had lunch and then down time and 2 more meetings at night! Stressful, boring and fun day all in one 😜 
Wednesday: We only had one meeting today. They told us how we did on our projects and that was it. My sister and her friend get to go to Nationals in July which is in San Diego.. How cool is that? At that time I’m already back in Germany 😒 In my category „Pastries and Baked Goods“ were 31 people and I got first place out of all! Gold! How excited is that 🎉🏆 One other girl had gold too but that was it! We had to make a „Cranberry Orange Almond Streusel Coffee Cake“. I also got a scholarship from the „Culinary Institute of America“ for 2,000$! That’s even better, I just hope I can use it somehow ☺️ After the meeting we drove home and I went to the softball practice!   

Thursday: I was back in school today and I didn’t really miss anything just a couple new things in calculus! We had star testing today (test to see your average knowledge in English and math) After school we had a game and it was raining so hard! That’s it! 

Friday: We had practice after school and then I went out to eat with some friends and stayed the night at Ally’s (a friend) house! 

Saturday: We had two games today against the same team 😂  my team went to a restaurant for breakfast and then we rode the bus to the game! It was fun but it took long! We started at 10 with warm-ups and we got home at 5! So that is how I spent my Saturday ☺️

Sunday: It was a lazy day! We cleaned the garage in the morning and then I facetimed with my parents and the rest of the day we chilled at home because it was raining all day 😒

Prom 2k16 ❤️

Hi Folks, 

Today I’m going to tell you something about the highlight of the a high school year, Prom! Our prom was yesterday. We started decorating  our gym (that’s where our prom was) on Friday. I stayed the night from Friday to Saturday at a friends house so we can get ready together on Saturday! In the morning we got our nails and  hair done. We did our own make up! At 3 we put our dresses on and we basically took pictures until 5! In my group were 9 people (4 coupes and one boy). At 5 we drove to the restaurant and after that we chilled at one of my friends house until prom started at 8! We had a DJ and at midnight everybody changed and put some comfortable clothes on and then.. Post Prom started… It was so much fun! I won gift cards, we played fun games and there was a hypnotist. It was so funny to see people being hypnotized and they just do whatever you tell them! That was probably the funniest thing I have ever watched! Post prom was done at 3 and then me and Kylie went home! That was it! My one and only prom in my life was over at 4! I would do anything to just be able to go again! I recommend to everybody to use the chance to go if you get the opportunity 💃🏼

Here are a couple pictures, but I will post some better ones from the camera when I get them!   






Monday: We were suppose to have a game  but it got canceled! So we had practice after school and went to pig weigh ins then. That is a place where you bring your pigs and they weight them (pigs have to be under 70 pounds). We have 4 pigs but two were too heavy. It never happened before, so Ethan and Kylie only have on pig to show at the Fair! Hopefully nothing happens to that one 😁☺️ By the way, in World War 2 we have to build a model right now and it is so hard… So many little pieces and we have to paint them and stuff.. 

Tuesday: We had a softball game today! In the middle it started snowing again. We lost but my dad said I did really good! I didn’t miss one catch and I actually hit every time. It is getting better😍 and it is so much fun! 

Wednesday: We had practice outside today because it was actually warm (for Wisconsin!) and sunny! After that, me and Kylie went and got our nails done ☺️

Thursday: Game day ⚾️ We won 🎉🎉 During school today, we had a tornado drill, so if a tornado happens everybody knows what to do 😁  

Friday: We decorated for prom today in school and we had a softball game ☺️ I’m staying the night at a friends house so we can get ready tomorrow for prom! I’m so excited 😍 Btw today in my study hour (Freistunde) I went with Brionna (a friend) to Walmart and bought a fish for a promposal, it was really funny 😂😂


Saturday: I will post a separate one over prom tomorrow ❤️ 

Sunday: I slept really long since I went to bed at 4! Other than that we just chilled at home and enjoyed the 27 Degress Celcius outside ☺️🌞 At night, we went kajaking, it was so much fun!   


Monday: We had softball practice after school outside while it was snowing! It was so cold but we had to practice because we are suppose to have a game tomorrow but it is also suppose to snow all night so we probably won’t have a game 😔

Tuesday: We were suppose to have a game today but it got cancelled again because it is 2 Degress Celcius outside and it is snowing! So the whole team just watched an online softball game on YouTube and we talked about the rules and stuff 😂 

Wednesday: We had practice inside again because it was snowing again! I really like snow but now I’m getting sick of it! I want to practice on the field and actually have our first game, hopefully tomorrow! And since Carrie is home all day since her surgery, she always makes good food 😍


(P.S. Sie hat Laugenbrötchen für mich gekauft 😍 My mom is the best ❤️) 

Thursday: We finally had our first game! We played pretty good but lost 10-15! It was so much fun! It took 2,5h hours though and it started snowing in the middle and it was only 2 Degrees Celcius outside! ❤️⚾️  

Friday: We were suppose to have a game today but since it was so cold it got canceled! We had practice and I worked out afterwards and then I hung out with a friend ☺️ 

Saturday: Today was a pretty boring Day ! Most of the time I spent on writing a 6 page paper for my college English class and I had to do a presentation for World War Two! At night, I worked out for a little bit! I have like an app on my phone where I did a 30min workout which was exhausting! Ethan and Aaron got the pigs we raise for the Fair 🐖 and they went turkey hunting but didn’t get one 😁  

Sunday: We went to our campground and raked leaves! Then I went bowling with all the exchange students! By the way it was „Happy Nationl Sibling Day“ today!