Alle Beiträge von annasyearintheusa

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Update 🇺🇸

Hi guys, I did not post an update in a long time.. but now I have time 🎊 I have summer break right now and only 248 more days of school til graduation 😍 (For everyone that wonders… I skipped 11th grad and we have 12,5 years of high school)

A lot happened in the last couple months. It has already been over a year since the day I left 😱 My American host brother flew to Germany to study abroad for one semester in January. He came to visit a couple weekends and we went snowboarding together and showed him our region. 

In April, I flew back to my second family 💕 It felt like I never left. It was awesome to see everybody again, we had so much fun. I can’t even describe it. You leave your home to return home. 

‚The best memories are the ones that you try to explain… but at the end you just say you had to be there‘ 

I was so excited when I knew I could come back but on the other side I thought.. it makes leaving for the second time even harder.. but then my host family surprised me.. they told me they will be at my birthday party.. My 18th birthday was on may 5th… 12 days after I left America.. I was so excited when I realized THEY ARE COMING TO GERMANY… I didn’t have to worry about saying goodbye anymore because 12 days later I took the car and picked them up at the train station! 

They loved being here since the first minute. We traveled all over Germany and we even saw the game where Germany played against the US 😎 

They loved the food, driving around, the cities we visited and just everything! Germany beer was the highlight! They got to try every kind lol! 14 days flew by and it was another time to say goodbye. 

It gets easier every time.. it was a see you later and not a goodbye because I will be back in the USA in 18 days! Not by myself this time, my cousin is coming with and we will also see the Grand Canyon! My favorite place to visit in the states! 

Another goodbye was when my American brother had to fly back at the beginning of June.. I think it is crazy how our relationship developed.. from strangers to family. We are one big German American Family now. Visits back and force, Skype dates, vacation together,… who expected that at the beginning when I told somebody I wanna go to the USA for a year.. nobody… and now everybody loves it. 

That’s it for today! I will post another one after my trip in August 😅

Last Post 🙈

Hello everybody, 

Just a quick last post about the last couple days. We all landed safe in Germany on Sunday morning and even my 4 suitcases came back safe. Some of my friends and family came over and they were all glad to see me again ☺️ All my clothes and everything is still all over my floor in my room and I don’t wanna clean it up. I feel like if I leave it I can just throw it back in the suitcase and take the next plane back to America even thought it will never happen. Not never but in the next couple months 😜 it’s crazy that my 320 days in the US are already over and I’m back to reality 😂😂 I already went to volleyball practice and to school to get all the stuff I have to make up and yeah now it’s just the time of re-integration to my old life. 🇩🇪

It’s officially over.. 

Hi Folks, 

Today is the day I never wanted to come.. The day I’m back in Germany knowing that all my friends and my family is sitting 4.331 miles away and I won’t see them anymore. Saying goodbye to them was defiantly the worse moment in my life! I left them 16 days ago and I already miss them like crazy! I didn’t cry on the day I had to say goodbye to all my friends because it didn’t feel real at all. It felt like giving them a normal hug and I wanted to say „See ya“ but as soon as I was sitting in the car knowing that I won’t see them again I started crying. Everybody snapped me saying how much they already miss me and I had so many tears in my eyes that I couldn’t even read what they were saying. It was my last night in my new home, it was my last time saying good night to my family, it was my last time sleeping in my room, it was my last time waking up in the morning seeing their smile. It was my last time for everything. When my German mom said “Let’s go Anna, we have to go” I said “Wait, where do we have to go? My home is here.” but this time I didn’t get a choice we had to go… The whole way to the airport I was crying and snapping my sister and everybody. The whole time we were on vacation in Boston, New York, Quebec and all those beautiful places everybody wishes to visit, I just wanted to go back. When my dad asked “Where do you wanna go next“ I said “Home” but it was impossible to come back to Wisconsin and it would have been harder to leave again. I didn’t even want to put my hair back down (believe me I had to shower sometime) because my mom braided it for me and I knew she will never do it again in a long time! I still feel empty and my heart still hurts and it just feels wrong! When I was sitting on the plane reading my goodbye book I had to start over and over every time because I couldn’t do it. Sitting here in Germany and people are talking German instead of English, people are calling me Anna instead of Kern and nobody laughs anymore when I say Snickerdoodle or veggies, when I wear my shower bun. Everybody just tells me “It’s okay.. You will come back sometime.. You can always visit.. We will still be in touch..” and so on and so on… But it won’t be the same. I won’t get to play volleyball or softball again, I won’t get to be part of the high school anymore, I won’t get to see everybody every day in school, nobody will ask for my help in Calculus anymore.. I will be a guest every time I come back and not a student or athlete or exchange student or anything. Nobody in Germany will understand when I show them a picture from my exchange year, when I tell them how much I miss America, when I start another sentence with “When I was in America…”. Nobody makes fun of my accent anymore, nobody makes fun of me anymore when I still don’t know how to get from my house to Barron after a year. I can’t go on four wheeler rides anymore or go tubing with my friends and family.. Sometimes I wish I would have never done this year just because I would never had to deal with those feelings now. But it was the best year of my life and I would always do it again and again. If somebody would ask me „Do you wanna go to Wisconsin?” I would jump up, pack my bag and I would be ready in an hour to leave! The whole time during the road trip it seemed like I’m on vacation and I will be returning to my home afterwards but when I landed in Germany, I knew there was no back. 😭 I learned that it doesn’t matter if you spend your exchange year on the beach in California or in San Francisco, all that matters is with who you spend it and not where. An exchange year is like a roller coaster ride! Both have up’s and down’s, they can be scary and beautiful at the same time and they both go by too fast and in the end, you are sad that it´s over, proud that you survived and you just wanna do it again. As soon as I was sitting in the plane and the doors closed I knew another chapter of my life was over. Somebody just closed the book. Nobody asked me if I was done with the chapter, I had to. I never realized that is it over until I had to write my Germany address on papers again instead the American one, until I calculated tax on stuff where is it already included, until I planned my goodbye-party and my German friends already planned a welcome-back-party for me, until I missed America even though I was still there, until I wanted to order something online and I realized it won’t come in time anymore. Those are the moments you just want stop the time, turn around and go again! Thank you to everybody who made my year amazing and memorable! Miss and love you all ❤️

Party, German Family, Goodbye, Road Trip

Monday: We got ready for my party all day. I had a friend (Hannah) over and she helped cleaning the house. We also went on a quick bike ride in between. The weather was good. It only rained for a couple seconds My friends started coming at 6pm. My dad made chicken for my party. There were 50 people here..It was so much fun! They went in the pool, hot tub, had a fire, trampoline, volleyball, played bean bags and Jenga. At 7ish one of my moms friends asked me if I know those 3 people next to her and after a minute I realized it was my German Family. I introduced them to my family and all my friends here. Most of the people from my party left around 11 because they had to work. I stayed up until 2 with Kylie.  

Tuesday: We ate breakfast all together, my mom braided Kylies, my German moms and my hair in pig tails, got our stuff ready and we went on the lake all day! My parents both went tubing with us. We stopped at a restaurant in the afternoon. At night we played bean bags, volleyball, had a fire, went into the hot tub and so many other fun things. 

: We had breakfast together, I packed in the morning and then we went on a ranger/four wheeler tour. Afterwards we showed my parents my school and Walmart. Then we went out to eat together where I gave them my goodbye present (photo book, picture frames, letters) and me and Kylie went to an exchange students Goodbye Party together. When we got home my brother had for work for me and my grandma was here. Me and Kylie watched a movie and cried together the rest of the night. 

Thursday: We had breakfast sandwiches. And then the time was there. The moment I never wanted to come.. I had to say goodbye. Kylie had to babysit today so she came home with the kids so I could spend my last minutes with here. After saying goodbye to everybody which was the hardest thing to do in my life we left for the airport at 7am. We flew to New York and we are staying in a hotel there. We went to Manhattan to the Empire State Building. I have been crying all day because I still can’t believe that my exchange year is over and that I will never see these lovely people again. It was defiantly the best year of my life. 

Friday: We slept in and then went to New York City and explored the city all day! We got back at 2:15am. 😭

Saturday: My dad and I left our hotel at 8 and went and got a rental car. Then we drove all the way to Cape Cod. We did a little break at a beach and then we got to hotel at 10pm. We stayed up until midnight because it’s my brother’s birthday on Sunday. 

Sunday: We went into The Pool in The Morning and then drove to Boston and went to The City.

Monday: We went back in The City for a Sightseeing-duck- Tour. Then we drove to Ellsworth/Bar Harbor, Maine. (6hrs Drive) 

Tuesday: We slept in and went whale watching. 

Wednesday: We went mountainbiking, slacklining, in the pool and out to eat. Btw we are still in Bar Harbor, Maine. 

Thursday: We got up at 6 in the morning, ate breakfast and drove 6hrs to Quebec, Canada. We went to the waterfalls, out to eat and played sand volleyball at the beach. 

Friday: We sleept in and drove to the city to rent bikes. My brother and I got a tandem which was so much fun! We drove around and explored the city. Then we went back to the hotel chilled for a little bit, went in the pool and went to a shopping mall. Afterwards we went to  Vieux-Quebec again and to a trampoline parc. The parc was so much fun too! 

Saturday: We drove to Montreal…Well kind of.. We are sick of seeing the city all the time so we booked a hotel outside of Montreal somewhere with a lake and parc so we can kinda relax and do fun stuff! We went to the lake, paddle boarding, canoeing and did a roller coaster thing and went to a festival with Live music!  

Sunday: We went hiking today but it was more like climbing 😂😂 and then we went swimming again and we did a barbecue. 

Monday: We drove an hour to a rafting place and went rafting all day. It was the highlight of our trip! It was so much fun! Afterwards we drove 5hrs to Toronto and got to the hotel at 2am 😂

Tuesday: We woke up, had Breakfast and then went to an amusement parc all day! It was so much fun and they had so many roller coasters!

Wednesday: Niagara Falls 💙

Thursday: We drove to Pine Creek in  Pennsylvania and went hiking there.

Friday: We went tubing in the morning and my parents did mountainbiking. Then we drove 6hrs to New York and ate in Buffola Wild Wings. The last 30min to New York we probably missed the right turn 100 times and it took twice as long 😂😂 When we got to the hotel we had to get cash first so we don’t get rested tomorrow at the bridge when we don’t have cash 😂😂 and then the cops were at the hotel because somebody had drugs. A last day full of action in the US! 💙


Monday: I had nothing to do yesterday in school because all the seniors were gone for senior trip and I have mostly senior classes except of one. I went home after school and I was just boolen (means chill)  the rest of the night. It was raining and storming! 

Tuesday: We had underclassment awards! I got an award for being an exchange student, for the one with the best GPA in my class, for FCCLA Cooking Competition and for being in 3 sports! After school me and Kylie cleaned her car! It was sunny and 31 Degres! 

Wednesday: We went to Walmart after school and that’s it! 

Thursday: We went on a bike ride, Kayaking and to a baseball game! 

Friday: It was the seniors last day of high school! We had senior awards in the morning and then they practiced for the walk at night! I left after lunch and went shopping with a friend and then we got ready to go to Graduation! It was so much fun! I wish I was a senior but that’s okay! 

Saturday: I went to graduation parties and to a Goodbye Party from the exchange student from Sweden (Elsa) ! Afterwards I stayed the night at a friends house! 

My favorite picture from Graduation! 

Sunday: We were at the camper all day and I went to a grad party (Callie) ! 

Monday: Today was Memorial Day so we didn’t have school! We went on the lake all day again! ☀️☀️

Tuesday: We had School and afterwards we Took Some Pictures and I Played Games with Ethan! The countdown is ready… 9 DAYS LEFT… Crazy how time flies by so fast… 😭🇺🇸🇩🇪😍

Wednesday: We had softball banquet and I went to a baseball game. I got the „Most improved“ award from my team! ⚾️☺️

Tuesday: I went to Valleyfair all day and skipped school! It’s like an amusement park like Europa Park in Germany! 

Friday: It was my last day of high school in America 😭😍 We played marshmallow dodgeball and sand volleyball. Afterwards I went to Happy Wok (Chinese restaurant) and then to Rice Lake (shopping) and in our hot tub! 

Saturday: I played tennis, went out for breakfast, to some graduation parties and to a bonfire. 

Sunday:  Today my parents were gone so I went to church with one of my friends, then to a grad party, to two friends house (had to say goodbye to them already😭) and kayaking. When I got home I looked in the pig coop and there where 12 chickens 😂 otherwise we got stuff ready for my party tomorrow! My parents landed in Chicago today and then will drive up here tomorrow. 😳 It feels weird to know they are in the same country than you 😳😳


Monday: I had my last softball game today! We lost but it was so much fun! Afterwards my mom, my grandma, my brother and me went out to eat! 

Tuesday: I went running before school (6am) and I went to a track meet after school. It was 8pm when we got home and Kylie wanted to go for a run so I ran again with her! My goal is to go run every day now.. We will see how long I can do that 😂

Wednesday: I went running after school. All our seniors hat their senior banquet tonight. We went to the lake! It was 28 Degres outside! It was beautiful! 

Thursday: I worked out after school and went to a friends house when I got home I worked on the goodbye gifts for my friends ☺️

Friday: We did another color run as a family this time and we stayed the night at the camper! 

Saturday: We spend all day on the lake! We were tubing and it was 29 Degress outside! It was beautiful and so much fun! But I got sunburned so bad… But it was worth it! 

Sunday: I went shopping and fishing with a friend! 

05/09- 05/15

Monday: We did a bike ride, a run and went kayaking and Kylie had a concert at night! ☺️

Tuesday: School and watched varsity softball game! We got our softball pictures back! Here is the team one! 

Wednesday: Practice and that’s it! 

Thursday: Game day!⚾️ We left school early and we had to ride with the soccer team to our game! Afterwards we rode home with mom!

Friday: We had our last morning practice today! After school, I went home, ran outside and did some homework and stuff! 

Saturday: I woke up at 7:45 and went for a run! Then we had two softball games and afterwards I went shopping with a friend ☺️

Sunday: I got up at 6 this morning to go to the Color Run with a friend! Originally  Kylie, Carrie and I were gonna go but they didn’t want to anymore because it was too cold! It was have 5 Degrees! By the way it was snowing yesterday at my game and -2 Degrees. When I got home from the color run I spent some time with my cousins who live 4hrs away because I saw them the last time today! It was hard to say goodbye for the first time here but there will be so many more times and I don’t even wanna think about it because I have only 25 days left 😥 Then I went to Ethan’s first baseball game and grocerie shopping! Pretty busy day! 


My Birthday 

Hi Folks, 
Today was my seventeenth birthday! 🎉 I went to the „Festival of Nations“ in Minneapolis which is an indoor bazar where they have clothes food and stuff from all the different countries in the world! And of course there was Germany too! On the bus ride I facetimed with my parents. Back at the school, we had a softball game! After that we had supper with my grandmas and grandpas at our house! Lasagne and Garlic bread… Yummy! I got a Wisconsin frame and shirt form my family and money form my grandmas! And I got some presents form my friends too! That’s about it! Let me tell you I had so much fun and I will always remember that day! 


Monday: There are only 38 days left until I’m leaving Wisconsin 😒 we had practice Today and then a friend came over ☺️ btw my Brithday is in 3 days and im Turning 17 🎉🎉🎉

Tuesday: Game day ⚾️ We won 🎉 We listed to a public speaker over Skype who has a disease and wrote a book we all read.

Wednesday: Today was E-day! E stands for Environmental! The whole school worked outside on different kinds of projects like cleaning up, racking leaves, painting buildings etc….It was a lot of fun! After school we had a short practice and then we took pictures for softball! After that I made cookies for my birthday tomorrow 🍪🎉

Thursday: My birthday – separate post! ☺️

Friday: We had no school! I went kayaking in the morning and we had a softball game! By the way it was 36 Degress Celcius outside today! I got sunburned! 

Saturday: Today was my dads birthday! Kylie had ‚State Solo and Ensemble‘ in the cities so I drove with her so she didn’t have to be by herself the whole time! After that we tried to get everything ready for his surprise birthday party without him noticing anything and at 5 we went there, perpared all the food and at 6 everybody came! At 10ish me and Kylie went to my grandmas house with all the kids and brought them to bed! It has been a busy day ☺️

Sunday: Day of watching Kylie play volleyball! 🏐


Monday: It was raining all day! Kylie went home sick during the day! I had practice, that’s it! 

Tuesday: Gameday ⚾️

Wednesday: Practice outside and we got a new floor in the bathroom, new mirrow, toilet,.. and we got some new stuff in the kitchen! It looks way nicer now! 

Thursday: Gameday ⚾️

Friday: I went golfing and friends came over afterwards to go in the hot tub ☺️

Saturday: I watched Ethan’s soccer game and spent the night at a friends house 

Sunday: We were at the campground and stayed the night there. 


Monday: We have the FCCLA State Leadership Conference from Monday to Wednesday. We rode the bus this morning to Wisconsin Dells in a Hotel where everything is. 7 people from my school are part of this club. We have our competition tomorrow and we get to cook like in the TV shows again! We got there at noon and the first meeting was at 6 so we went in the Indoor Theme Park where they have fun activities and stuff and then we had dinner and meetings! 

Tuesday: I had to get up at 6 and or bus left at 7 to bring us to the other schools where we have to took. It took 4 hours to make the cake and everything. After that we had lunch and then down time and 2 more meetings at night! Stressful, boring and fun day all in one 😜 
Wednesday: We only had one meeting today. They told us how we did on our projects and that was it. My sister and her friend get to go to Nationals in July which is in San Diego.. How cool is that? At that time I’m already back in Germany 😒 In my category „Pastries and Baked Goods“ were 31 people and I got first place out of all! Gold! How excited is that 🎉🏆 One other girl had gold too but that was it! We had to make a „Cranberry Orange Almond Streusel Coffee Cake“. I also got a scholarship from the „Culinary Institute of America“ for 2,000$! That’s even better, I just hope I can use it somehow ☺️ After the meeting we drove home and I went to the softball practice!   

Thursday: I was back in school today and I didn’t really miss anything just a couple new things in calculus! We had star testing today (test to see your average knowledge in English and math) After school we had a game and it was raining so hard! That’s it! 

Friday: We had practice after school and then I went out to eat with some friends and stayed the night at Ally’s (a friend) house! 

Saturday: We had two games today against the same team 😂  my team went to a restaurant for breakfast and then we rode the bus to the game! It was fun but it took long! We started at 10 with warm-ups and we got home at 5! So that is how I spent my Saturday ☺️

Sunday: It was a lazy day! We cleaned the garage in the morning and then I facetimed with my parents and the rest of the day we chilled at home because it was raining all day 😒

Prom 2k16 ❤️

Hi Folks, 

Today I’m going to tell you something about the highlight of the a high school year, Prom! Our prom was yesterday. We started decorating  our gym (that’s where our prom was) on Friday. I stayed the night from Friday to Saturday at a friends house so we can get ready together on Saturday! In the morning we got our nails and  hair done. We did our own make up! At 3 we put our dresses on and we basically took pictures until 5! In my group were 9 people (4 coupes and one boy). At 5 we drove to the restaurant and after that we chilled at one of my friends house until prom started at 8! We had a DJ and at midnight everybody changed and put some comfortable clothes on and then.. Post Prom started… It was so much fun! I won gift cards, we played fun games and there was a hypnotist. It was so funny to see people being hypnotized and they just do whatever you tell them! That was probably the funniest thing I have ever watched! Post prom was done at 3 and then me and Kylie went home! That was it! My one and only prom in my life was over at 4! I would do anything to just be able to go again! I recommend to everybody to use the chance to go if you get the opportunity 💃🏼

Here are a couple pictures, but I will post some better ones from the camera when I get them!   






Monday: We were suppose to have a game  but it got canceled! So we had practice after school and went to pig weigh ins then. That is a place where you bring your pigs and they weight them (pigs have to be under 70 pounds). We have 4 pigs but two were too heavy. It never happened before, so Ethan and Kylie only have on pig to show at the Fair! Hopefully nothing happens to that one 😁☺️ By the way, in World War 2 we have to build a model right now and it is so hard… So many little pieces and we have to paint them and stuff.. 

Tuesday: We had a softball game today! In the middle it started snowing again. We lost but my dad said I did really good! I didn’t miss one catch and I actually hit every time. It is getting better😍 and it is so much fun! 

Wednesday: We had practice outside today because it was actually warm (for Wisconsin!) and sunny! After that, me and Kylie went and got our nails done ☺️

Thursday: Game day ⚾️ We won 🎉🎉 During school today, we had a tornado drill, so if a tornado happens everybody knows what to do 😁  

Friday: We decorated for prom today in school and we had a softball game ☺️ I’m staying the night at a friends house so we can get ready tomorrow for prom! I’m so excited 😍 Btw today in my study hour (Freistunde) I went with Brionna (a friend) to Walmart and bought a fish for a promposal, it was really funny 😂😂


Saturday: I will post a separate one over prom tomorrow ❤️ 

Sunday: I slept really long since I went to bed at 4! Other than that we just chilled at home and enjoyed the 27 Degress Celcius outside ☺️🌞 At night, we went kajaking, it was so much fun!   


Monday: We had softball practice after school outside while it was snowing! It was so cold but we had to practice because we are suppose to have a game tomorrow but it is also suppose to snow all night so we probably won’t have a game 😔

Tuesday: We were suppose to have a game today but it got cancelled again because it is 2 Degress Celcius outside and it is snowing! So the whole team just watched an online softball game on YouTube and we talked about the rules and stuff 😂 

Wednesday: We had practice inside again because it was snowing again! I really like snow but now I’m getting sick of it! I want to practice on the field and actually have our first game, hopefully tomorrow! And since Carrie is home all day since her surgery, she always makes good food 😍


(P.S. Sie hat Laugenbrötchen für mich gekauft 😍 My mom is the best ❤️) 

Thursday: We finally had our first game! We played pretty good but lost 10-15! It was so much fun! It took 2,5h hours though and it started snowing in the middle and it was only 2 Degrees Celcius outside! ❤️⚾️  

Friday: We were suppose to have a game today but since it was so cold it got canceled! We had practice and I worked out afterwards and then I hung out with a friend ☺️ 

Saturday: Today was a pretty boring Day ! Most of the time I spent on writing a 6 page paper for my college English class and I had to do a presentation for World War Two! At night, I worked out for a little bit! I have like an app on my phone where I did a 30min workout which was exhausting! Ethan and Aaron got the pigs we raise for the Fair 🐖 and they went turkey hunting but didn’t get one 😁  

Sunday: We went to our campground and raked leaves! Then I went bowling with all the exchange students! By the way it was „Happy Nationl Sibling Day“ today!   


Monday: We didn’t have school! We drove home from the Capen (house on the lake), went on a bike ride, I got a haircut and we had softball practice! ⚾️

Tuesday: We actually had School today and I had Softball practice outside (it was like 15 Degress Celcius) that’s it! ☺️

Wednesday: School and Softball practice  

Thursday: School and instead of practice we had a quiz on the softball signals! We need to know them so we understand what we are suppose to do as a hitter in the Game! After that the whole team went out to eat because we have our first game tomorrow! I’m so excited! Hopefully the weather is good! ❤️⚾️

Friday: We were suppose to have our first softball game but since it was snowing it got canceled! So we just had hitting practice after school! I went bowling with my friends and in the hot tub ☺️  Btw, when I was changing my clothes and swimsuit in the bathroom, I dropped my pants in the toilet 😂😒 and since it was April 1st today, everybody joked around all day, it was fun!

Saturday: I stayed the night at my friends house! In the morning we went and worked out together (running, swimming,…) and in the afternoon we just chilled at her house! ☺️

Sunday: We celebrated Easter with my mom’s side and we helped with the softball clinic which is just a practice with all the 8th grader so they get to meet the high school girls before they gonna be in high school next school year!  ☺️ At night, we looked at the camp ground my dad rented for 2 months where they gonna put their camper and Kayaks and stuff! It’s kinda like a stationary capen!     


Monday: I had softball practice at 6am! Kylie was gonna pick me up at the house by 5:35. When she got here, I was still sleeping because my alarm didn’t ring, so I had to get ready in 2min but we still got there in time! 😂😂 After school I ran 5km, worked out and I went swimming for 45min! As you can tell, my day was full of sport ☺️ but it was fun!   Selfie mit dem Selfie stick in Calculus ☺️ 

 We grade our own tests in World War Two 😂😂

Tuesday: My Alarm didn’t ring again, so I woke up 30 min late and didn’t have much time to get read. We had softball after school. We were outside today for the first time! It was so much fun! When I got home I played soccer with Ethan outside, made Cinnamon Bread and Oatmeal Granola Bars! 

Wednesday: What’s new.. Of course my alarm didn’t ring again, so I had 5min to get ready for school 😂😂 After school I had softball and went swimming! ⚾️🏊🏼

Thursday: We didn’t have school today by we still had softball practice at 6am. After practice I ran 6,5km and went swimming. After that I went with a friend to her work. She works on a farm where she has to feed calves. First we got the medicine, the bottles, the milk and everything ready and then went to feed the baby calves! Some of them where just born today! It was so much fun! 



Friday: No school again! We slept in, did a bike ride and went to my grandmas house to see my cousins! We dyed eggs! 🐣🐰

Saturday:  We went to a farm where they had baby pigs, chickens, sheep and coats! It was so much fun! At night, Ethan and his cousins started to learn German! It was so funny but they are good!    



Sunday: Happy Easter! We planned on going to church but we ended up not going but we had an awesome breakfast instead! In the afternoon we went to my aunt form my dad’s side and at night we went to the Capen (house on the lake) from my aunt from my mom’s side.   

The Easter bunny hid my Easterbasket inside this year instead of outside 😉 


Monday: Today was π / Pi – day so we didn’t do anything in maths. Softball started today! We had practice at 6am until 7:45am! After school I ran outside for half an hour and then I worked out in the weightlifting room and I went to Yoga with a friend and afterwards we stopped to eat… 

Tuesday: 6am softball practice again! After school I ran outside again, even though it was raining 😂 then I worked out for a little bit, went to Ethan’s 4th grade project presentation which I helped him made the poster and then I went with him to his hockey potluck. (last meeting of the season)  

Wednesday: We had softball after school and then I had my last 😔 club volleyball practice 🏐

Thursday: I got my an A- in my first test in my college class 👏🏻🎉 We had morning practice and I worked out after school 🏋🏽

Friday: I left school early because we went to Wisconsin Dells for Volleyball! We stay in a hotel with waterparc! 🏊🏼😍

Saturday: A day full of Volleyball! ❤️🏐

Sunday: Another great day of volleyball! 🏐 But it was our last day, I’m sad that it is over but I’m also excited to play again with my German friends next season! ❤️


Monday: Today the new trimester began! My schedule is: 

  • 1st hour: Food Science 
  • 2nd hour: Calculus 
  • 3rd hour: World War 2
  • 4th hour: Study hour (because I have a college class, so I don’t have to do anything this hour and I can skype with people and do what I want) 
  • 5th hour: English 
  • 6th hour: Resource or my college class on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s 

After a day full of new classes, I worked out, went home, ate supper, showered, played a game with Ethan and yeah.. By the way, one guy form my school had to go to jail today because he got caught with drugs 😳😳

Tuesday: My new classes are pretty cool except of WW2. It is so boring and I just don’t like history classes. It is really nice to have a study hour where you can do just whatever you want. After school I went to the photographer to take a pictures for school! Every year all the exchange students do that just so they can remember all of us ☺️ At night, I went to a meeting with Ethan for the fair in the summer! Kylie and Ethan raise pigs every year and show them at the fair then! That’s it for today! ☺️

Wednesday: I had school and worked out. Kylie and me ate at her other moms house and we went to her grandpas yard with the four wheeler to collect sap. That’s what  you use to make maple sirup. 

Thursday: We had our last open gym for softball because practice starts Monday. After school I rode bus home because Kylie and her boyfriend went to a WILD Hockey game and my mom had surgery on her throat. She can’t talk for a month, so she uses the iPad to text. It is kinda funny but really hard. I went outside with Ethan and played catch (baseball), went on the trampoline and in the hot tub. 

Friday: After School, we worked out, got groceries, I helped Ethan with his project for school and Kylie went babysitting. Then a friend came over und we went in the hot tub! I stayed up until 3:30! 

Saturday: Today was a relaxed family day! We washed cars, played softball outside, went on a bike ride and we went shopping. ☺️ Since my mom can’t talk it’s kinda funny. Everytime she wants to say something, she writes it on a whiteboard 😂😂

Sunday: We were outside all day.. Played catch, were on the trampoline, I had volleyball and yeah.. We have 10 Degress Celcius, so pretty warm for Wisconsin! 


Monday: Leap Day! 😊 We didn’t have school today, we went curling. It was fun! I wish we would have that in Germany! After that me and Kylie worked out and then I went to the school concert where Kylie plays in the band 🎻🎼     

Tuesday: I had to take The ACT Test today. You need to take that test to figure out at level your writing, reading, science, math and English skills are. The results tell you on what college you can go. We got tested from 8:30 until 1:30. It was kinda boring because it was an really important test for all the other junior but since I don’t plan on going to college here, it doesn’t matter for me what score I get.  After that I had another test in my college class. Then I worked out and we cleaned up the house a little bit that my parents don’t get a shock when they come home tomorrow night 😂😂

Wednesday: We had our second part of the test and then we got to leave school at 11:30. I hang out with friends, worked out, had volleyball practice and that’s about it. 🏋🏼🏐🏊🏽

Thursday: I went to open gym for softball before school, worked out after school and hang out with friends 😊

Friday: Today was the last day of the Trimester! So we didn’t real do anything. I had my final exam in physics but that’s it. I went out to eat for lunch with my AP chemistry class (we are only 8 people). After school, I worked out and then I went to the basketball game with a bunch of friends! Our Barron boys played regionals! It was such a close game and in the last 10sec they shoot a layup and the final score was 62-60 for BARRON 🎉🎉 On Monday starts the new trimester with my new classes then ☺️   

Saturday: Today the girl from Argentina who was at our school for 2 months had to fly back! It was so sad and I don’t even wanna think about the day when I have to go back! There are only 96 days left! The time flies by soooo fast. Today I didn’t do much. I watched Kylie playing volleyball and that’s it! 😊🏐

Sunday: I had volleyball all day! Since my brother had a hockey state championship game my parents went with him and I went with my oncle, grandma and grandpa! It was fun! After volleyball we went out to eat and did some shopping 😊 Ethan won his game, so they are state champions. 🎉🏒  


Monday: Since I don’t have Basketball anymore, I Wortes out with Kylie and did Homework and that’s it! 

Tuesday: I had  College Class again like every tuesday and thursday. I had to take so notes and we have a test on Thursday about 10 pages and we have to learn them by heart so that is what I’m doing tonight when I come home form the Varsity girls basketball game 😊

Wednesday: I had my French final today! We will see how I did when I get my grade! It took 2,5h 😳 After school I worked out, did homework, read my book and that was it! 

Tuesday: I ran for 30min after school and then I went out to eat with friends and to the boys basketball game afterwards 😊  

Friday: We went out for breakfast in the morning! After school, we went home right away to see Aaron and Carrie again before the fly to Florida for a week (for Aaron’s work). Kylie had to babysit and our Grandma and Grandpa took us out to eat and we played games together! I Know.. I went out to eat so many times this week but next week we won’t go anywhere when we are by ourself! By the way, my host family got Family of the months from all the exchange students in the USA who went with AYA.  😊 How excited it that? ☺️


Saturday: I slept in, we watched some TV, brought Ethan to his hockey game, Kylie washed her car and we went to the movie theater. Not to bad for being without parents 😂    

Sunday: We mad breakfast for our grandma and grandpa and went to Ethan’s hockey all together and then we had volleyball at night! After our practice only Kylie and me had some special practice from a really good coache! That was fun! 


Monday: We didn’t have school today because it was Presidents Day! I had basketball practice in the morning! Then Ethan had a cooking party with all his friends and we watched the boys basketball game in the evening! 😊     

Tuesday: We had a Basketball game! And it was Ethan actual birthday today 😊 

Wednesday: I had my last basketball practice 🏀 and I had volleyball practice 🏐! And I read my English book, which is really boring, in between. 

Thursday: I had school and then I had a cooking competition for FCCLA Club! I made it to state! ☺️ It is like the cooking shows you watch on the TV. So we had to wear professional cooking clothes too!  

Friday: I didn’t have school today. I went with a little boy (4 years) from the elementary school to the Barnebirkie. That is a cross country skiing (Langlauf) competition and I was „his parents“ for the day! It was really fun! After that, we had our last basketball game! We lost 30-33 but it was a good game and we gave everything we could one more time! Playing basketball was a good decision and it was fun and I got to know so many new people! After the game everybody from my team was crying because of me. They said it is not gonna be the same next year with me because I always made them laugh and we had such a good time! I love my team! 🏀❤️

Saturday and Sunday: We had volleyball all weekend! I had to wake up at 4 o’clock on Saturday and we drove to the cities! We played in Minnesota. We had a couple games and after that my team and me went to the pool in our hotel! Afterwards, we went out to eat and to the Mall of America! I got a cinnamon roll and we rode a roller coaster! It was fun! We stayed the night in the hotel and played all day Sunday again! 🏐  That was before the ride at the Mall! And the two shirts we wear in the picture are form the tournament and they say our name on the back 😊


Monday: It was my American Mom’s birthday today! I gave her her gift yesterday because we had a pretty busy day today! By the way she turned 45 🎉 (but she looks way younger ☺️) 

This week is Winterfest! That is like homecoming just with a different name! So today was class color day again, so all the Juniors wore blue and white. 

After school I went to a friends house and after that we supported a funraiser for Cancer! One of my friends had cancer 6 years again and every year they raise money for the organization just in honor for that girl! So we went snowshoeing in the woods all together and everybody donated 5$ to the cancer company! 

When I got home we had deer for diner, it’s called venison that means „Wild“ in German! 

That was it for today!  
Being outside by -25 Degress 😳  


Tuesday: It was USA Day. We had a basketball Game, we lost but it was one of our best games.    

 That is called Bobble Soccer ⚽️😊

Wednesday: It was squad day, so my friends and me all dressed the same (picture below) and I had basketball practice and I studied for my French final exam which is next Wednesday 🙊  

Tuesday: Today was Teacher/ Student day! That means teachers dressed like students and students dressed like teachers! Some students looked like twins (pictures below). We also had a basketball game and after that they presented the Winterfest King and Queen. 

  Winterfest Court 😍🎉 Baseketball – Game 🏀  Which one is the teacher? ☺️   Teachers with headphones, hat, comfortable clothes, phone and a broken foots 😜😂

Friday: It was pattern day and today was Winterfest! That is the same as Homecoming just in the winter 😂 We had activities during school. After our basketball practice, people came over to my house and we got ready together and went to the dance. 

I will post some pictures tomorrow 😊 Now it is 1am and I’m so tired… So good night 💤

Saturday: I watched some of Ethan’s hockey games, hung out with friends and I did a self logo for my collage class. ☺️ 
My self logo

  New favorite food 

Winterfest Dance   

Sunday: I had volleyball and that’s it! And I gave Ethan his birthday present!🎁  


Monday: I didn’t have practice for the first time so I rode the bus home and then I did homework and I had to study… Here are two of my pictures from the   Digital Imagery Class!   


Tuesday: We had a snow day 😊 School got canceled at 1 and we got to go home! Fun! Okay driving home wasn’t fun because the roads were so bad.. It is snowing all day and I bet we got at least 10 inches snow today 🙊❄️⛄️   

Wednesday: We didn’t have school all day so I went snowshoeing and in the hot tub and did homework and we were just home all day.. It was good thought to have a day off ☺️

Thursday: I went to a friends house after basketball practice and we baked something and we played  cribbage ☺️ it was fun! And it was still snowing all day but not as bad as yesterday!   

Friday: Basketball Game, that’s it! ☺️🏀

Saturday: Today was probably one of my laciest days here! I slept in, I did school work, I baked with Ethan and played games with him and I pretty much just spent the day at home! 

Sunday: I hung out with a friend, had volleyball and watched the typical American Super Bowl 🏈😊


Monday: Basketball Practice and I did a workout class which is so hard 😳 you are sweating the whole time! 😅

Tuesday: I had Bball practice and my first collage class stared today! Interpersonal Communication! It is pretty hard but it is fun! And then I did homework 😁

Wednesday: I had Basketball and Volleyball practice.

  • In Resource (worktime) we had a presentation about the ATC Test that is a 6 hour test about everything you learned far to get an average score at what education level you are! You need them when you apply to a Collage! 
  • English: We read Shakespeare right now which is really hard to understand 
  • Physics: We built a speaker (look at the picture below)
  • Digital Imagery class: We had to take picture of people to show your photography skills. We went in the woods and it was really fun! I will show you some after I edited them on Photoshop like a professional photographer 😂😂


Thursday: We had a Basketball Game and that’s it! 

Friday: I had basketball practice and then we (my mom,sister and me) went to Minneapolis where we stay the night at our brothers house for volleyball tomorrow and Sunday! 

Saturday: Just played volleyball all day! 🏐

Sunday: Had Volleyball all day again and went to an amazing restaurant ☺️  


Monday: My mom woke up at 5:30 and was looking at her phone and our principal sent out a mail that school is canceled because of the weather… So she woke me up and told me that I can sleep in… that was awesome! We baked all day and my cousins came to our house and in the evening we did an exercise class. 

At the moment it is so cold that you can’t drive or go outside. It is -30 Degrees but it feels like -40 Degrees. The gas freezes and if you go outside for longer than 5 min you get Black Ice that means you get dead skin 😳 

In the video bellow you can see that when you through water out of the window it freezes immediately in the air. So don’t complain about the -5 Degrees in Germany, here is it way colder. 


Tuesday: I had a Basketball Game, we lost, but it was fun to play. I finished my project in Digital Imagery class today. We had to spell a word with letters we can found in school, outside,…. I did Wisconsin. 


  • The W is for beef and cheese strings which are common here. 
  • The I is the Statue of Liberty.
  •  The S is for the cold weather and the snow.
  • The C is a donat because I love to bake and I love cinnamon rolls.
  • The O is a basketball because I started playing here.
  • The N are rulers which stand for Calculas, my favorite class in school.
  • The S is a cow tail because Melking cows is something typical for Wisconsin.
  • The I is just the American flag because the flag is important here and you always say the Pledge of Alligiance. 
  • And the last N are books because I read my first English book here.

Wednesday: Volleyball Practice, Basketball Practice and I tried doing a cake for FCCLA Club because I’m gonna compete against other people in Cooking in a couple weeks with like the chef clothes and you have to decorate good and all that stuff you know form the TV 🙊

Thursday: I had a Basketball Game and that’s about it… 

Friday: no school because there was teacher in-service and I went with Kylie to get a haircut and then we went ice skating 💇🏼⛸ and I was home with Ethan afterwards then.. Because my parents went to a party.  

Saturday: I went shopping with a friend!    

We went to a japanese restaurant where they made the food right in front of you on a grill with fire and the entertain you and stuff, that was really cool and really good!   

Sunday:  I had to wake up at 5:30 to drive to the cities for a big Volleyball Tournament with 18 Teams! We had five matches and we won all of them! It was so much fun because we had so much energy.. we were excited and celebrated every ball! We got first place today! Im proud of my team 🎉🏐 



Monday: We had a Fundraiser for Basketball… We mad Waffles all day and then we watched the Boys Basketball Game 


Tuesday: I had Bball Practice and after that I did Homework 😊

Wednesday: Same as yesterday 🙈

Thursday: Bball Game (we won) 

Friday: Bball Practice and went to the Biys Bball Game

( This week wasn’t really busy..So pretty much only Bball practice) 

Saturday: A friend came over and she spent the night ☺️

Sunday: I had Volleyball and that was it 🏐

01/04 to 01/10

Monday: School started again… Basketball practice 🏀

Tuesday: Bball Game 🏀 we lost but I mad 5 points and I mad a 3-point-shoot.    

  That are two good pictures from the Ugly Sweater Day before Christmas break. 

Wednesday: Bball practice, Swimming, Volleyball practice 🏀🏊🏽🏐

Thursday: Bball Practice 🏀

Friday: Bball Game (we won) and  I got to know the new exchange student from Germany and the new girl from Argentina 😊

Saturday: I went to The German Restaurant and Ate „Wiener Schnitzel“ and I went babysitting with Kylie ☺️  

Sunday: I had my First Link (Volleyball Club) Torunament and it was so much fun to Play against all The Different Teams from The cities!   


New Year (28.12-04.01)


Die Natur ist so schön hier 😳💕

Montag: Haben Sport gemacht mit Freunden, waren im Whirlpool, Sind zum Hockey Game gegangen und zwei Freundinnen haben bei mir Übernachtet und haben Just Dance auf der Wii gespielt   

Tuesday: Snow Shoeing, did something with my friends, we got 20cm (10″) new snow, I went Snowplowing with my dad  

Wednesday:  we went snowaboarding 🏂   


Thursday: Happy New Year to everybody! We went to Eau Claire in the morning to do some shopping, returns and exchanges from Christmas and after that I went to friends house to celebrate New Years!  

Friday:  We went snowboarding again 😊  


Saturday: I worked out (swimming, practicing softball, basketball, snow shoeing,…) with a friend and then we went to the movies 😊 

Sunday: I had volleyball practice and I helped Kylie cleaning her room 😁 the German newspaper published an article about my year…  

Weihnachten 🎅🏼🎄 (24.-26.12)

Am Donnerstag war mein erster Ferientag, seid ich hier bin. Ich bin mit Ethan „Snow shoeing“ gegangen, da läuft man im Schnee und man sinkt mit den Schuhen nicht ein. (Siehe Bild)  Dann habe ich noch mit meiner Familie geskypt, weil man in Deutschland ja am 24. feiert und hier am 25. Da hab ich dann auch das erste mal wieder mit meiner Oma, meinem Opa, Tante und dem Rest der Familie geskypt.

Zudem ist gestern wieder vorgekommen, dass wir keine einzige Rolle Klopapier im Haus hatten und mein Papa hat den netten Kommentar gemacht: „It is because Anna is Full of Shit and that is why St. Nicolaus didn’t Come on The 6th, so she is Lucky if she gets something for Christmas tomorrow“ Das war ziemlich lustig 😂 Vor allem, weil es der einzige Tah in Jahr ist, wo alle Geschäfte geschlossen sind. 

Abends sind wir dann zu den Cousin’s  von Aaron gegangen. 

Als wir heim kamen, haben wir Karotten und Kekse für Santa rausgestellt und ihn oblie me verfolgt, um zu wissen, wo er ist, weil Ethan immer noch daran glaubt. Es war ziemlich lustig. Haben noch eine App runtergeladen, die Macht als würde Santa dich persönlich anrufen. Santa hat sogar eine eigene Schrift und spezielle Papiertechnik zum einpacken. Ziemlich professionell hier also.    

  Das war, was Santa gebracht hat.     

 Hier noch ein Bild von allen Geschenken unter dem Baum:   

Am 25. hat Ethan dann morgens um 8 Uhr das ganze Haus geweckt und wir haben Geschenke ausgepackt. Meine zwei großen Brüder sind gekommen und meine Oma’s und Opa’s. Danach haben wir alle zusammen Lebkuchenhäuser dekoriert  und Spiele gespielt.   


Das sind alles meine Geschenke, habe ein Gelbeutel, Kissen, Srapbooking Sachen, Scjlafanzug, Spiel, Süßigkeiten, Kleider, Handschuhe, Mütze, .. Bekommen. Das war echt ziemlich viel von meiner einzigartigen Gastfamilie. Dann haben wir zusammen den Tag verbracht und wollten noch in einen coolen Film im Kino anschauen, aber als wir hinkamen, war nur noch eine Karte übrig, also gehen wir ein anderes mal. Und nur so nebenbei, das typische Weihnachtsessen hier waren Sparribs, was hätte man anders erwarten in den USA. 

So das war’s für heute.

In den Ferien werde ich euch eine Zusammenfassung von meinen Erfahrungen hier auf english schreiben und ab 2016 schreibe ich euch das tägliche Update dann auch auf English, weil english gerade einfacher ist für mich.

Frohe Weihnachten an alle! 🎄🎅🏼

P.S: Als wir heute eine Art Tabu gespielt haben, hat man voll gesehen, dass die Amerikaner nur eine Sprache können. Also ich versucht habe „is“ zu erklären und gesagt habe, dass es „The present Tense of be for third Person Singular“ ist, hat es niemand kapiert, weil die nichts an Grammatik können, wissen noch nicht mal was Verben und so sind.   Die wissen nicht wie man die Zeiten bildet, die sind einfach nur dran gewöhnt und wissen was zu sagen. Das hat mich ein bisschen überrascht.🙊

P.P.S: Hier haben alle meine Freunde 200€ ausgegeben für ein Weihnachtsgeschenk für Ihre „Boy- and Grilfriend’s“. 💰

P.P.P.S: Haben Wizard gespielt @meinen deutschen Papa #favoriteGame ❤️

Samstag: Wir haben Spiele gespielt und sind zum 2. Mal zum Kino gefahren, nachdem wir gestern schon mal hingefahren sind und es ausverkauft, haben wir es heute dann geschafft in den Film „Daddy’s Home“ zu schauen, jedoch war die frühere Vorstellung auch ausverkauft, so haben wir 2h warten müssen, aber es hat sich gelohnt, der Film war echt gut. In einen Raum passen nur 60 Leute, aber jeder hat einen bequemen Massagestuhl, den man verstellen kann und alles… War ziemlich cool 🎞   

 Sonntag: waren Snow Shoeing, waren bei meiner Oma für Weihnachten mit der ganzen Familie, hab mit Ethan sein Zimmer aufgeräumt…   



Montag: Basketballspiel, Pumpkin Bars gemacht, Essen verkauft für FCCLA Club 

 Das sind alles meine Weihnachtsgeschenke was ich gekauft habe:

  • Gläser (selbstgemacht mit Kaba,..) sind für Lehrer, Tante, Oma’s, Opa’s, etc. 
  • Mama und Papa: Bilderrahmen (siehe Bild) 
  • Kylie: Handtasche 
  • Ethan: Kartenspiel und Füller
  • Brandon: Kartenspiel 
  • Logan: Fusballtrickot 
  • Freunde: Kinogutschein, Kuschelsocken, Bilderrahmen,Nagellack, Schokolade,…  


Dienstag: Ice Cream in Chemie gemacht, Baskeballspiel 🏀 (Hab 6 Punkte gemacht) 

Jap, am Ende war Es Vanilleeis und hat sehr gut geschmeckt…🍦

Mittwoch: Letzter Schultag in Amerika in dem Jahr 2015. 😳🎓 Das kann ein etwas längerer Post werden. Erst einmal haben alle Kinder, die eine Alleinerziehende Mutger oder Vater haben, haben einen 30€ Gutschein von der Schule bekommen. Ich musst heute um 5 Uhr aufstehen, weil wir Basketball vor der Schule hatten 🏀😅 Danach habe ich dort geduscht und mich schick angezogen. Wir hatten den ganzen Morgen nix zu tun und hatten verkürzte Stunden, weil wir eine Klassenparty hatten, wo jeder was zu essen mitgebracht hat. Danach hatten wir eine 2-stündige „Variety-Show“, das ist eine Unterhaltungsshow, um den letzten Schultag noch ein bisschen lustig zu beenden. Ich musst einen Vortrag über Deutschland machen mit den anderen Austauschschülern. Es gab so viele lustige Aufführung: Es wurde getanzt und gesungen, es wurden Videos oder Leute nachgespielt, Zeichensprache Erde vorgeführt, Spiele haben wir zusammen gemacht und Kinderbilder von den Lehrern gesehen, … außerdem haben wir heute die Freundinnen Geschenke ausgetauscht und ich habe einen Bilderrahmen bekommen und ganz viel coole Sachen. 🎁 Meine Freunde haben sich auch über ihre Geschenke gefreut. Zudem hat es heute 15cm geschneit, genau pünktlich zu Weihnachten🎅🏼🎄 Ich wünsche allen frohe Weihnachten in Deutschland 🇩🇪


Das war erst der Anfang, hat den ganzen Tag geschneit..

Jingle Bells Song

   Das ist ein Lehrer von meiner Schule 



Montag: Basketball Bilder gemacht 🏀, bin in Französisch eingeschlafen 😂 


Dienstag: Basketballspiel von den Jungs geschaut, ins chinesische Restaurant grgangen, Aufführung von unserem Tanzteam geschaut 


Mittwoch: Volleyball und Basketball Training 🏀🏐 Hab dazwischen was mit einer Freundin gemacht ☺️ Weihnachtsgeschenke verpackt 🎁🎄 

(Nur so nebenbei: An meiner Schule kann man alle Fächer online nehmen und die dann von zuhause lernen, manche sind einfacher, manche schwer, aber man kann halt das Level wählen. Eine Freundin von mir macht das und die muss dann nur alle 2 Wochen einmal in die Schule kommen. Man muss halt auch wirklich was machen, ist aber viel unabhängiger) 

Donnerstag: Basketballspiel 

Freitag: Ugly Christmas Sweater Day 🎄nach Chulavista gefahren (größter Wasserpark in der Welt 🏊🏽) haben mit meiner Tante, Brüder und allen Tabu gespielt, ist gar nicht so einfach auf english… 

 Das ist, wenn man eine Online Klasse hat,  aber keine Lust hat was zu machen, einfach mal schlafen zu gehen. 

Samstag: waren shoppen, im Wasserpark und Haben im Hotel Geschenke ausgepackt, ich hab eine Wisconsin Decke bekommen und 2 Wisconsin  Magnete von meiner Tante 😊   


Sonntag: Wasseepark, Konzert von Kylie in der Schule   



Montag: Basketball und Haben kleine no Kinder geholfen Weihnachtsgeschenke zu verpacken, hatten einen „Flohmarkt“ wo die 1- bis 4. Klässerl ihre Weihnachtsgeschenke kaufen können für wenig Geld 

Dienstag: Basketballspiel (Haben verloren 10-50, aber ich Spiele heute seit einem Monat und ich 2 „free-throws“ gemacht) 🎉 AP Calculus anstatt French behabt 😊

Mittwoch: Basketballtraining, in Englisch haben wir heute über Adjektive, Verben und Nomen gelernt 😂 waren abends in einem Theater über eine alte Situation in der „Geschichte“ von Wisconsin, es war sehr cool, vor allem weil es vom Alter von 8-60 Jahren war 🎬📽 


Donnerstag: Basketballtraining, müssen in Englisch einen Roman aus dem 19. Jahrhundert lesen in 2 Wochen 😳, der Link unten, bringt euch zu einem Video, was ich in der Digital Imagery Class gemacht habe, waren bei dem Weihnachtsprogramm von den 4. Klässlern (Ethan)


Freitag: Basketballspiel (Leider verloren 🙁)  Das ist Mein Team und die Anderen Bilder waren währrend der Halbzeit-Show 😊 


Samsag: mussten Essen verkaufen für Wrestling vom FCCLA Club, haben ein High School Hockeyspiel geschaut 😊

Sonntag: Christmas Shopping für Geschenke und Hockey von meinem Brider geschaut 🙊 Hab Mir Mein Finger verbrennt beim kochen, have eine risen Blase 🙁

30.11 – 06.12

Montag: das neue Trimester hat angefangen, dass heist einen neuen Stundenplan:

  • Photographie 
  • Physik
  • AP Chemie
  • English 12 (obwohl ich 11. Klässler bin) 
  • Französisch (online) 
  • Ressource (Hausaufgaben machen, Freie „Studytime“ 

Hatte Basketball Training wie jeden Tag und danach habe ich noch eine Fitness Kurs mit Carrie gemacht, weil Ethan Hockey hatte, Kylie hat ihren Füherschein bestanden 🎉

Dienstag: ich habe jedem meiner Familie einen Adventskalender gegeben, in English haben wir gelernt, wie man eine Bewerbung schreibt 😂, Kylie und ich sind alleine zur Schule gefahren 😊 hatten Team-Essen und danach hatten wir ein Basketballspiel und haben gewonnen 🎉🏀   

Mittwoch: Schule und Basketball Training

Donnerstag: Basketballspiel, Leiden verloren, aber Haben gut gespielt ☺️



Mädchen aus meinem Team 

Freitag: Basketballspiel, knapp verloren 

Eine Freundin hat das an den Kalender in der Schule geschrieben, weil ich ihr ein Kompliment gemacht Hab und sie meinte es war das 1.Mal 😂😂
  Das ist meine Physiklehrerin, die Jeden Tag Tee für mich an die Tafel hängt ☺️  
Das hängt an den Türen in der Schule hier..

 Das Motto war Christmas Lights für unser  Spiel 😂

Samstag: Hockey Spiel von Ethan geschaut ⛸ …. Haben Einen Tannenbaum geholt und Sind zu einer Lichtershow



 Meinen neuer Stundeplan: 

  • Also Digital Imagery ist ziemlich cool, man muss Bilder mit verscheiden Eigenschaften erstellen, mit Photoshop arbeiten, Diashows erstellen, Stop-Animation-Sachen und und und.. Ist aber schwerer als es sich anhört.
  • Physik ist genau wie davor nur mit neuen Mitschüler
  • Chemie ist identisch geblieben
  • English 12, also erstmal bin ich in der 11. Klasse aber hab english für die 12. 😂 jeden Tag lesen wir 15 min (jeder kann sich ein Buch aussuchen) und danach spielen wir 15 min ein Online Spiel zum Vokabeln üben, das ist ziemlich schwer für mich und danach müssen wir was „schreiben“. Diese Woche war es eine Bewerbung, Danksagungsbrief und so weiter
  • Französisch ist immer noch online und wie davor
  • Ressource, da mache ich meine Hausaufgaben, dann muss ich zuhause nix mehr machen ☺️ 

Sonst gibt es nicht mehr viel zu sagen außer, das Jeder in Weihnachtsstimmung ist und alle Häuser dekoriert sind mit Lichterketten und allem.. 

Sonntag: Volleyball Training 🏐 Haus dekoriert und Grippe aufgestellt    


Montag: Basketball von 5:30-7pm 🏀 Kylies Geburtstag 🎉

Das ist Kylies Auto, Aaron und Carrie werden überfahren, Ethan im Kofferraum und Freunde im Auto 😂  
 Aaron und Kylie versuchen ein Reh zu schießen. 

Dienstag: Wir haben ein Thanksgiving Essen in Foods gekocht, alle Basketballspieler/Geschwister/Eltern haben sich getroffen zum Café trinken und besser kennenlernen, mein Paket ist gekommen mit Skisachen und Adventskalender (Danke Mama ❤️), hatten Chemie „Final Exam 2“ und jeder hat einfach ein F bekommen, ist eine 6 in Deutschland, aber es wird nicht gewertet, weil jeder so schlecht war 😂😂  ich hab im 1.Exam ein A, also eine 1, also ist es nicht so schlimm 😂


Mittwoch: keine Schule wegen Thanksgiving Break, haben Gebäck gebacken, hatten Basketball Training 



Donnerstag: Happy Thabksgiving, keine Schule,  bei „Grandma“ gegessen, nach Milwaukee gefahren, die ganze Nacht shoppen (19-3 Uhr) für Black Friday 


Freitag: keine Schule, Black Friday Shopping (überall Rabatte und Tausende Menschen) Babysitten, Hatte Kopfweh den ganzen Tag 😁

Samstag: Haupstadt Tour gemacht mit einem Bus, Regierungsgebäude besichtigt, in den Zoo gegangen 🐊 bei -15 Grad 😂

Sonntag: Ethan’s 1. Hockey Game ⛸🏒geschaut, Austauschschüler Treffen 



Montag: Basketball Training 🏀

Dienstag: 1. Basketball Spiel, leider verloren, aber war gar nicht so schlecht für das 1. Mal 😜


Das ist Fusball für Gehbehinderte, das kann man hier an der Schule lernen..⚽️

Mittwoch: Basketball Training 🏀 Hier sind noch die Volleyball Bilder, die wir gemacht haben


Donnerstag: 100 Tage in den Staaten 🇺🇸kann gar nicht glauben, dass es so schnell vorbei geht, mehr als 1/3 ist schon vorüber, die Zeit verfliegt wie im Nu 🙊Basketballspiel, leider verloren 🏀 hatte 4 Stunden Vertretung, Weil alle „Science Teacher“ auf Ausbildungsmesse sind, heute hat es wieder geschneit⛄️❄️

Das sind Pfannkuchen, die mir mein Papa zum Frühstück gemacht hat 😊

Das war beim Warm machen, ich bin die die grade den Korb macht 💪🏼🏀  

Freitag: bin ein bisschen erkältet, waren Schlittschuhlaufen, haben in Foods nur geputzt und waren am IPad 😂 in Mathe machen wir nix mehr, weil das Trimester am Dienstag rum ist, in Physik war Präsentations-Woche,  jede Gruppe war an einem Tag dran über ein Chapter im Buch, und hatte 2h Französisch, weil ich mein „Final Exam“ machen musste. 

In der Pause (9:06-9:22) singt unser Tisch immer Lieder und die sind alle so gut wie ich im singen, also wisst ihr ja was das bedeutet, ist vielleicht auch der Grund warum wir fast die einzigen sind in der ganzen Aula 😂😂    

 Einkaufen für Foods Class.. Alles in extra Groß😂😂 
  Tatsächliche Foods Class…

Ja, das ist normal, es ist das Hunting-Wochenende… deswegen..


Samstag: Monkeybread gemacht, mit Familie geskypt und goldene Hochzeit von meiner Oma und meinem Opa 💍👫, Kylie war „deer Hunting“ 🐾🌳


Sonntag: 1. Club Volleyball Training gehabt🏐, gebacken für Kylies Geburtstag morgen 🎉



Montag: 1. Basketball- Training, war sehr anstrengend und verwirrend, aber ich denke das wird besser 🏀⛹🏾

Dienstag: Basketball -Training und das war es dann auch 😂


Das haben die Senoirs gemacht, also die haben Leute nominiert für beste Kategorien. 

Mittwoch : Veteran’s Day (Man zeigt Respekt zu den Leuten, die in der Armee waren, haben die Fahne neu aufgehängt und in den Himmelgeschossen mit Gewehren . Der Chor und die Band hat gespielt. Ein paar Somalis haben 2 Gerochte aus ihrem Land gekocht, nach dem Basketball Training hatten wir ein Parents Meetting ⛹🏾






Donnerstag: waren vor der Schule einkaufen und haben so viel Zeug gekauft, dass wir nirgends Platz hatten im Auto (siehe Bild), haben chinesisches Essen gekocht, was sehr gut war, jedoch hat es so lange gedauert, dass ich Physics verpasst habe, (Cheese Wantan, Sesame Chicken with rice), hatten Basketball Training 🏀


Freitag: Schule, muss ein Video über ein chinesisches Gericht in Foods erstellen, Basketball Training und danach sind wir Schlittschuh laufen gegangen.. 



Samstag: einkaufen, Haare geschnitten, Basketballspiel, schwimmen..


Sonntag: Volleyball- Tryouts, also es haben sich 16 für ein Team angemeldet und 9 haben das Team gemacht (also das heist ich spiele Clubvolleyball und die Mannschaft ist richtig gut 🎉🎉), haben eine Kuh gemelkt 🐄, haben Monkeybread gemacht 🙊 (siehe Bild), haben an unserem Foods Film gearbeitet und hab bei einer Freundin übernachtet.. 



Montag: Schule, 1.Mal Mit dem Bus nach Hause gefahren und sonst den ganzen Tag Hausaufgaben gemacht (viele Projekte) 

Das letzte ist ein Bild von Mathe, des ist wie die hier neue Sachen lernen 😂

Dienstag: haben Pferde ausgeführt und die kleinen Kinder von meiner Mama ihrer Schwester ihrem Kindergarten waren auf den Ponys gesessen, dann haben wir nach der Schule Basektball geübt, weil nächste Woche das Training anfängt und danach war das Volleyball Banquet, also haben uns alle getroffen und die Saison zusammengefasst, was gut und schlecht war und und und.. 



Mittwoch: der Tag hat gut angefangen…wir sind vor der Schule zu einem Day Care for Dogs gefahren, jedoch hatten die aus einem unerklärlichen Grund nicht offen, also hatte Carrie den ganzen Tag den Hund in der Schule dabei..jedoch hat er dann noch ins Auto gepinkelt und wir mussten mit auf der Strase anhalten dann hätten wir noch tausende Schulbusse vor uns, mussten Kylie und Eike Freundin noch abholen und somit war Carrie dann 20mib zu spät für Ihr Meeting und musste sich noch um den Hund kümmern… So in Foods haben wir dann ein ganzes Chicken auseinander nehmen müssen und komplett verarbeiten.. Wir haben auch eine Pep Rally gemacht, als die Band hat gepielt und wir haben applaudiert und die Jungs für morgen angefeuert und einen Tinnel gebildet bis zu ihrem Bus, wo sie durchgerannt sind, weil die heute ins Hotel gefahren sind. Wir haben jedem Spieler ein kleines Good-Luck-Päcken gemacht vom Volleyballteam aus. Nach der Schule haben wir dann ein bisschen Basketball geübt, weil das richtige Training nächste Woche anfängt und waren im Fitnessrsaum und danach war ich noch schwimmen zum 1. Mal in den Pool von unserer Schule. Als ich dann endlich um 7 Uhr zuhause war, habe ich den Rest des Tages mit Hausuafgaben verbracht. 

 P.S: Meine beiden Winterschuhe, mein Handy und meine Handyhülle sind gekommen 😍

Donnerstag: keine Schule, nach Milwaukee zum Soccer Game gefahren, haben leider verloren 😁⚽️


Freitag: Schule, es war Grandparentsday in der Grundschule, also die Omas und Opas holen die Kinder ab und die Essen irgendwo zusammen.. Dann war ich noch schwimmen und ein bisschen joggen 🏊🏽 

Samstag: nicht wirklich was gemacht auser Pancake Supper für die Schule, also haben Pfannkuchen verkauft, um Geld zu verdienen. Ich habe gekocht zuhause und Freunde waren da, um in unseren Whirlpool zu gehen ☺️ 
Sonntag: war shoppen mit einer Freundin 




Montag: Schule, kein Volleyball mehr, Schul-Band und Chor Konzert  


Dienstag: Schule, Schule wurde wieder nach Drogen durchsuchte, haben Schilder für das Fußballspiel morgen gemacht 

Mittwoch: heute ist einiges passiert, Es hat den ganzen Tag geschneit, also Hab ich Mir auch Mal ein paar Winterschuhe bestellt, wir haben Essen (in Dosen) gesammelt, um es für arme Leute zu spenden, was mich an Strom und Wasser ablesen erinnert, weil wir bei Schnee und Regen 3h durch die Kälte von Haus zu Huas gelaufen sind.. Dann haben wir in der Schule gegessen und sind auf ein Conzert in unserer Schule, (Band:We Are Leo) was richtig cool war.. 




 Ja, sie trägt Gummistiefel zur Schule und es ist normal 🙈

Donnerstag: 110 von 100 Punkten in Calculus (höchst mögliche), haben ein Versuch in Physik gemacht, wo wir ein Ei in einer Form (siehe Bild) platziert haben und es von 6m Höhe fälligen gelassen haben, eins von 6 hat überlebt, in Chemie waren wir nur zu 2. alle anderen waren nicht da wegen Fußball, wir sind dann auch ein bisschen früher gegangen, weil die Jungs Finale haben bevor sie zu „State“ (Ein Team aus jeder Region von Wisconsin in der Hauptstadt) gehen und danach haben wir das selbe Level Volleyball geschaut (war aber nicht unsere Schule nur die Gewinner aus unsere Region)  


Freitag: Schule, mit Freunden gechillt (essen gegangen, Hautned House, über Deutschland geredet😂) 
Mexikanisch Essen das 1. Mal ☺️  


 Haben in Chemie eine Rakete gebaut und geschossen und das Video ist eine Flamme aus einem Kürbis 🙊

Samstag: Soccer Spiel geschaut.. Haben gewonnen.. jetzt spielen sie „State“ in der größten Stadt in Wisconsin, also in Milwaukee.. Und danach Haben wir Mit Freunden in unserem Haus gechillt..


Sonntag: waren einkaufen und haben gefühlt den ganzen Laden gekauft.. Dann haben wir draußen alle Möbel und so weggeräumt für den Winter.. Und ich habe mein neues iPhone installiert mit sim Karte und alles (hab straightalk,Falls es jemand interessiert) und dann waren wir in unserem Wirlpool 💧 und ich  habe den ganzen Abend ein „Lab Report“ für unser Physik Projekt geschrieben 😁 eigentlich wollte ich noch eine Kuh melken gehen, aber hat nicht geklappt, dafür hab ich noch mit Simone (ATS aus Texas) geskypt, sie hat mich einfach angerufen und ich wusste nicht wer diese komische amerikanische Nummer war, das war witzig 😂🙊