New Year (28.12-04.01)


Die Natur ist so schön hier 😳💕

Montag: Haben Sport gemacht mit Freunden, waren im Whirlpool, Sind zum Hockey Game gegangen und zwei Freundinnen haben bei mir Übernachtet und haben Just Dance auf der Wii gespielt   

Tuesday: Snow Shoeing, did something with my friends, we got 20cm (10″) new snow, I went Snowplowing with my dad  

Wednesday:  we went snowaboarding 🏂   


Thursday: Happy New Year to everybody! We went to Eau Claire in the morning to do some shopping, returns and exchanges from Christmas and after that I went to friends house to celebrate New Years!  

Friday:  We went snowboarding again 😊  


Saturday: I worked out (swimming, practicing softball, basketball, snow shoeing,…) with a friend and then we went to the movies 😊 

Sunday: I had volleyball practice and I helped Kylie cleaning her room 😁 the German newspaper published an article about my year…  

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