
Monday: We were suppose to have a game  but it got canceled! So we had practice after school and went to pig weigh ins then. That is a place where you bring your pigs and they weight them (pigs have to be under 70 pounds). We have 4 pigs but two were too heavy. It never happened before, so Ethan and Kylie only have on pig to show at the Fair! Hopefully nothing happens to that one 😁☺️ By the way, in World War 2 we have to build a model right now and it is so hard… So many little pieces and we have to paint them and stuff.. 

Tuesday: We had a softball game today! In the middle it started snowing again. We lost but my dad said I did really good! I didn’t miss one catch and I actually hit every time. It is getting better😍 and it is so much fun! 

Wednesday: We had practice outside today because it was actually warm (for Wisconsin!) and sunny! After that, me and Kylie went and got our nails done ☺️

Thursday: Game day ⚾️ We won 🎉🎉 During school today, we had a tornado drill, so if a tornado happens everybody knows what to do 😁  

Friday: We decorated for prom today in school and we had a softball game ☺️ I’m staying the night at a friends house so we can get ready tomorrow for prom! I’m so excited 😍 Btw today in my study hour (Freistunde) I went with Brionna (a friend) to Walmart and bought a fish for a promposal, it was really funny 😂😂


Saturday: I will post a separate one over prom tomorrow ❤️ 

Sunday: I slept really long since I went to bed at 4! Other than that we just chilled at home and enjoyed the 27 Degress Celcius outside ☺️🌞 At night, we went kajaking, it was so much fun!   

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